Exfoliation & Resurfacing

It’s time to reveal the beautiful skin you dream about.

A mature woman with healthy glowing skin



Opti Skin Resurfacing

$195 | 60 minutes OPTI
$250 | 75 minutes OPTI Advanced

It’s time to redefine your skin. Epidermal leveling to remove the top layers of dead skin, the Opti Peel is then applied and worked into the skin with nano-technology, then effleurage to roll it off. Followed by a mask, appropriate serums, moisturizers and SPF. This is a deluxe full-service treatment. The skin will be visibly changed, with no downtime!

The Corium Complex Peel

$650 | 3 series
Recommended quarterly

An unparalleled series of peels designed to address acne/rosacea, discoloration, or age management. The beauty of this series is you only need a series every 3 months. One peel, once a week for 3 consecutive weeks. Comes with a full-size jar of Sensitive Repair Cream.

Diamond Microdermabrasion

$150  | 60 minutes
$399  | Series of 3

Diamonds, stainless steel, and vacuum, an elegant combination designed to remove the accumulation of old dead skin cells and surface impurities. Once the debris is lifted away, the newer younger cells will rise to the surface.  Product absorption improves greatly, fine lines are diminished. Consistent exfoliation is the absolute key to slowing the aging process. Includes a full facial and the decollete.

Express Service: Mini facial, face, and neck. $110 for 30 minutes | $275 for a series of 3

Epidermal Leveling

$165 | 60 minutes
$65 | Added to any service

Scraping the skin with a disposable sterile steel tool to remove accumulated dead skin and debris. This will leave the surface of your skin feeling a softness you have never imagined possible, allowing your products to penetrate and do the work they were designed to do. Includes a full facial.