Age-Defying Treatments

We create the changes you want to see, and others will notice.

A woman with healthy skin receiving rejuvenating skin care treatment



Collagen Induction Therapy

$325 | 75 minutes

$975 | Series of 4

AKA Microneedling and Nanotechnology. Addressing fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, and skin texture. Skin will be numbed with a topical anesthetic. There will be several hours of downtime. Wearing makeup and other normal activities can resume the next day. Partial facial included. A series of 4 is recommended for optimal results. Buy 3, 4th is free

Microcurrent & LED- A Non-Surgical Face-Lift

$175 | 60 minutes
$699 | Series of 4

Lift, tighten and tone the skin by use of Microcurrent to stimulate the muscles under the skin. LED light penetrates into the skin to increase ATP, fibroblast and collagen production, fight discoloration and kill p-Acne bacteria. A series of weekly treatments is recommended to achieve optimal results. Number of treatments depends on skins condition and desired outcome. Full facial included.

Cold Jet Plasma

Full Face Lifting & Neck $350

Brow & Forehead Lifting $150

Cold Jet Plasma is the new future of skincare. Saying good-bye to fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin and surface imperfections has never been easier or more pain-free! Using cutting edge technology, Cold Jet Plasma painless sprays the skin with bursts of plasma energy to stimulate collagen production within the skin, effectively tightening and toning the skin to a softer and smoother state. Absolutely safe for all skin types with no downtime.

A minimum series of 8 is recommended. Results can last up to 2 years. Monthly maintenance is encouraged. Full Face Lifting $299, with neck $350.